Learning Free Document Image Binarization
Research Talk, Neo-Paleography : Analysing Ancient Handwritings in the Digital Age, University of Basel, Switzerland
This talk is about our work on historical document image binarization.
Research Talk, Neo-Paleography : Analysing Ancient Handwritings in the Digital Age, University of Basel, Switzerland
This talk is about our work on historical document image binarization.
Research Talk, Department of Ancient History, University of Basel, Switzerland
This talk is about how time series signal matching is applied to word image matching
Tutorial, L3i, University of La Rochelle, France
This is a deep learning workshop, where I was the principal organizer.
Tutorial, L3i, University of La Rochelle, France
This is a deep learning workshop, where I was the principal organizer.
Research Talk, L3i, University of La Rochelle, France
This talk is about our work on logo localization on historical and adminstrative document images.
Research Talk, L3i, University of La Rochelle, France
This Talk is about how the techniques of time series signal matching are used for the analysis of historical document images