
I have publications in following two themes/topics of research :

  1. Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IM-PR)
  2. Time Series Analysis and Data Mining (TSA-DM)

Hence I have categorized the following list of publications into these two categories.

Published in International Journals

  1. Identifying Fraudulent Identity Documents by Analyzing Imprinted Guilloche Patterns
    Musab Al-Ghadi, Tanmoy Mondal, Zuheng Ming, Petra Gomez-Krämer, Mickaël Coustaty, Nicolas Sidere, Jean-Christophe Burie
    Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal; Volume 37, pages 1055–1089 (Impact Factor : 3.6) (IM-PR)

  2. kNN matrix profile for knowledge discovery from time series
    Tanmoy Mondal, Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia
    Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) Journal; Volume 37, pages 1055–1089 (Impact Factor : 5.7) (TSA-DM)

  3. Exploring Multi-Tasking Learning in Document Attribute Classification
    Tanmoy Mondal, Abhijit Das, Zuheng Ming
    Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL) Journal; Volume 157, 2022, Pages 49-59; (Impact Factor : 5.1) (IM-PR)

  4. Comparative Study of Conventional Time Series Matching Techniques for Word Spotting
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    Elsevier Pattern Recognition (PR); Vol.73: 47-64, 2018 (Impact Factor : 8) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  5. Flexible Sequence Matching Technique: An Effective Learning-Free Approach for Word Spotting
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    Elsevier Pattern Recognition (PR); Vol.60: 596-612, 2016 (Impact Factor : 8) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  6. Craniofacial Structure Detection on Cephalometric Images
    Tanmoy Mondal, Ashish Jain, H.K Sardana
    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), PP 1057-7149, Issue. 99ISSN, 2011 (Impact Factor : 10.6) (IM-PR)

Under Review

  1. Multi-task Learning for the Classification of Papyrus Manuscripts and Symbols
    Himanshu Srivastava, Tanmoy Mondal
    Submitted in Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL) Journal (Impact Factor : 5.1) (IM-PR)

Ongoing Work on Journal Drafts

  1. Efficient Matrix Profile Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Time Series
    Tanmoy Mondal, Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia
    Will be submitted in: Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) Journal; (Impact Factor : 5.7) (TSA-DM)

  2. Matrix Profile Based kNN Search over Large Multi-Dimensional Time Series
    Tanmoy Mondal, Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia
    Will be submitted in: Springer Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) Journal; (Impact Factor : 5.7) (TSA-DM)

  3. Logo Localization of Administrative Documents
    Tanmoy Mondal, Alireza Alaei
    Will be submitted in: Elsevier Pattern Recognition (PR) Journal; (Impact Factor : 8) (IM-PR)

Publication in International Conferences

Archive Submission

  1. Physics Informed and Data Driven Simulation of Underwater Images via Residual Learning
    Tanmoy Mondal, Lucas Drumetz, Ricardo Mendoza; (IM-PR)
  1. Efficient Matrix Profile Algorithms for Normalized and Non-Normalized Distances
    Reza Akbarinia, Bertrand Cloez, Tanmoy Mondal, Florent Masseglia; (TSA-DM)


  1. Back-ground Removal of French University Diplomas
    Tanmoy Mondal, Mickaël Coustaty, Petra Gomez-Krämer, Jean-Marc Ogier
    Document Analysis Systems (DAS); 2020. (CORE Rank : B) (IM-PR)

  2. ICDAR 2019 Competition on Document Image Binarization (DIBCO 2019)
    I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, X. Karagiannis, L. Tsochatzidis, Tanmoy Mondal, I. Marthot-Santaniello
    International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR); 2019; (CORE Rank : A) (IM-PR)

  3. Learning Free Document Image Binarization Based on Fast Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
    Tanmoy Mondal, Mickaël Coustaty, Petra Gomez-Krämer, Jean-Marc Ogier
    International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR); 2019; (CORE Rank : A) (IM-PR)

  4. Constrained and Parametric Dynamic Programming for Word Image Retrieval
    Tanmoy Mondal, Mickaël Coustaty
    International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR); 2018; (CORE Rank : B) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  5. Visual Analysis System for Features and Distances Qualitative Assessment: Application to Word Image Matching
    F. Rayar, Tanmoy Mondal, S. Barrat, F. Bouali, and G. Venturini
    Document Analysis Systems (DAS); 2016; (CORE Rank : B) (IM-PR)

  6. Improved Shape Code Based Word Matching for Multi-script Documents
    Tanmoy Mondal, A. Tarafdar, N. Ragot, J-Y. Ramel, U. Pal
    Asian Conference of Pattern Recognition (ACPR); 2015 (IM-PR)

  7. Performance evaluation of DTW and its variants for word spotting in degraded documents
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR); 2015; (CORE Rank : A) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  8. Exemplary Sequence Cardinality: An effective application for word spotting
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR); 2015; (CORE Rank : A) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  9. Flexible Sequence Matching Technique: Application to Word Spotting in Degraded Documents
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR); 2014; (CORE Rank : B) (IM-PR & TSA-DM)

  10. A Fast Word Retrieval Technique Based on Kernelized Locality Sensitive Hashing
    Tanmoy Mondal, Nicolas Ragot, Jean-Yves Ramel, Umapada Pal
    International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR); 2013; (CORE Rank : A)(IM-PR)

  11. An Accelerated Approach of Template Matching for Rotation, Scale and Illumination Invariance
    Tanmoy Mondal, G. Mourya
    Springer Link Proc.; Communications in Computer and Information Science; 2011 (IM-PR)

  12. Generation Algorithm of Craniofacial Structure Contour in Cephalometric Image
    Tanmoy Mondal, Ashish Jain, H.K Sardana
    Proc. SPIE, ICDIP; 2010 (IM-PR)

  13. A novel strategy for automatic localization of cephalometric landmarks
    Ashish Jain, Tanmoy Mondal, H.K Sardana
    IEEE Proc. International Conference on Computer Engg. & Tech.; 2010.; (IM-PR)